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We're All Aging to Perfection

Writer's picture: Peggy Patrick MedberryPeggy Patrick Medberry

Aging happens. If we are lucky. Some might consider it unlucky. I guess it depends on who you are asking. I just recently started to accept that I am aging. This might come as a surprise to everyone who has known me for the past 67 years. But yes. Age has happened. Or rather, it is happening. I was a hundred mile an hour person about 4 years ago. Then a back ailment and life interceded. And now I'm a 40 mile an hour person. Somedays a 20 mile an hour person.

As I have started learning how to navigate stuff like how to use a cane and other indignities of growing older, I discovered that other people have aged too. Like the Rolling Stones. Hard to believe Mick Jagger is still alive. I recently saw what was left of the Beach Boys (my favorite band when I was in 8th grade), and was shocked at all the old guys on the stage. Wow. We were never going to grow old. Remember? Woodstock! I had lots of friends who were there. The summer of love! Long hair. Looooong hair. And wild times. And somehow it all sort of morphed into ...well... life. Kids, jobs, houses, divorces, other jobs, other houses and then suddenly I am a grandmother. And then next I am retiring. Wow. That went fast. My mother told me that it goes fast. It does. But I always believed it went fast for them. Not me. A blink. I will be going to my 45th reunion next year. A blink. My granddaughter is 11. Another blink and my daughter is 42. I used to think 42 was old.

So how to cope in this fast moving, techo/internet/facebook/instagram/iphone world? I have no idea.

So my plan is to have fun. One of the great things about getting older is that we really do have nothing much to lose. Who cares what we look like or what we say? Advertisers think we don't exist. Actually, no one under the age of 30 apparently buys anything anymore. Which I believe ISN'T true.

We buy stuff. We have disposable income. Some of us have LOTS of disposable income. (Not me.) But we buy things for our kids, and grandkids, too. We watch TV. We love to travel, cook, go out to eat. I love clothes, antiques, jewelry. So I want to look at all that. What do we want to do now that we aren't 20 anymore?

For my husband it's GAME OF THRONES.

For me, its gardening and reading. And faith. Faith is what keeps me going!

What keeps you going?

Aging is going to continue happening. So let's get on with it!

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