If Trees Could Talk...

As I sat praying in my garden this morning, I thought about how perfect fruit trees are. They are lovely to look at. They provide shade in the heat of the summer. They give us delicious things to eat. They provide food for birds and pollen for bees. And they do all this by standing absolutely still and demanding nothing of the world. They are able to withstand lack of water for long periods of time. Their deep root systems support them through storms. Trees are really amazing.
Jesus said of people: By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
This made me think about what kind of fruit I want to produce. What is this fruit that Jesus is talking about? I would define fruit as those actions that someone might do that would help, nurture or cause something else to grow and thrive.
As we look at others and ourselves we can hopefully see what kind of fruit is being produced. Someone who has a loving heart, is kind and loving to others. A person who wants others to thrive, guides and teaches and inspires. Thorns and thistles hurt. Fruit nurtures, fills and encourages growth.
What can we do every day to produce good fruit?
We can smile.
We can tell others about the good we see in them.
We can write, teach, and create things that help instead of hurt.
We can share ideas that lift up instead of tear down.
We can pay attention to those who do the same.
We can learn a lot from fruit trees.